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Need Skills? Get Training. Gain Confidence. Be AMAZING!

Unlock Your Potential on the Water!

What better way to enjoy the water than getting out on a boat? Whether you’re into sailing, powerboating,  kayaking, or paddleboarding, our training programs will get you ready for your next adventure.


Learn from professional, licensed USCG captains with years of experience. Our on-the-water training focuses on safety and practical skills, helping you build confidence in a variety of conditions. Sign up for one of our classes or clinics and start your journey to becoming an accomplished water woman.


Join Our Teaching Team!

Love teaching and have water skills to share? We’re looking for experienced sailing, powerboating, paddle craft, fishing, surfing, diving, and swim instructors to join us - let's collaborate. Help us build a supportive and empowering learning community.

Contact today!

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